A consistent theme to my day to day life has become being woken up by the lovely sounds of techno music blaring from the third floor of my dorm building.
At 8:45 AM....
and, I live on the Fifth Floor...
It was fine the first time, three weeks ago, when I just rolled back over and fell back asleep.
The second time it was... fine... I needed to wake up anyways right?
Every time after that it has pissed me off.
So here is my message to you Third-Floor-Morning-Techno-Blaring-Douche-Kabob:
I like sleeping, a lot. I loooooove sleeping. Sleeping is key to my daily mood. I understand playing music in the morning to get pumped up. However, you live TWO floors below me. Two whole floors. So I shouldn't be able to hear your music, I shouldn't be able to place my hand on my wall and feel the bass from your music.
AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- this is how you make me feel when you wake me and when you keep me up!
Maybe you're losing your hearing? It seems like a vicious cycle, though. You're going deaf, so you're blaring your music. Here's a little thought- you're going deaf because you're blaring your music.
Do us both a favor and turn down your music. You'll hear better, I'll sleep more, and then I'll be in a better mood and won't attack you through my blog anymore.
P.S. Exams start in one week. If this continues I will end you.
chahaha like!!! and i appreciate douche-kabob. youre a genious.